To download the following legal documents in PDF format, right click on the link and select "Save As."

Please note that most of the documents below have been digitized using copies of the original documents, as those copies are the only versions of those documents known to exist. In some cases, the original document is bound, making digitization difficult. As such, some of the text/images may be difficult to read. Please contact our office for a clearer image if necessary.

Also note that some of the documents below have handwritten markings, notes, and calculations shown that were not included as part of the originally published documents. All of those extraneous markings, notes, and calculations were made by prior owners of the documents, and not by the current ULARA Watermaster. Any such extraneous markings, notes, or calculations should not be considered to be the opinion of the current ULARA Watermaster.

City of Los Angeles vs. City of San Fernando, et al. Judgement January 26, 1979


Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law January 26, 1979


Report of Referee Volume I - Text and Plates July, 1962

45.5MB PDF

Report of Referee Volume II - Appendixes July, 1962

20.9MB PDF

Supplement No. 1 to Report of Referee December, 1963

11.8MB PDF

Supplement No. 2 to Report of Referee October, 1964